Chosen Solution

When I turn it on or off, it doesn’t make any sound. The speaker worked just fine about a week ago and I haven’t used it since then. I have factory reset it and updated it. It does connect to my phone but there still isn’t any sound.

If your UE Boom speaker is not making any sound, see the UE Boom Is Not Producing Sound problem page for possible causes and solutions. On my end, I had to simply plug it into a USB source. Resetting the device did not work. After plugging it into a power source, the sound came back.

Damon Cooper make sure that all the settings and volume are turned on etc. If so, you do want to take it apart and check the boards, the speaker connections and check the components on the board. Check for burned or missing parts. Use these guides for that. Post some images when you have it apart. That way we can see what you see. Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that.

I have exactly the same symptom. I also updated the firmware and did a hard reset. I just began to pull it apart but will leave this task until I have my ifixit tools back home with me. I’ll update how I go. Maybe the jumper for the speaker audio dislodged somehow?

Mine did the same thing before I fixed it. To do so, I pressed the “+” button until it made the “maximum volume beep”. It only did half a beep, but I kept making it beep until it gave a full beep and it started to work perfectly after.

I had this problem and fixed it by opening up my UE Boom 1 and disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it. It’s been working for over a year since doing that once and the problem hasn’t returned.