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I installed a new Lightning and headphone jack on my iPhone 6. Everything seemed to work perfectly but now if I try to talk on the phone and have the phone to my ear I have barely any signal and no one can hear me. If I have my iPhone away from my head on speakerphone people can hear me with no problem. I think it is because the new antenna wire did not have that foam protection piece on it where it connects to the phone but I am not sure if that is the reason. The small black foam that covers it disintegrated off my original piece so I could not put it on the new antenna. Any recommendations on what I can do to fix my issue? Thank you all

alrighty so i think there is a little confusion there. youre not likely having signal issues. if you turn it to speakerphone, and they can hear you fine, then your signal strength is good. you are looking at a microphone issue, as the handset microphone comes with the flex you replaced. It either comes with or without the black guide attached to it (depends on your source) ++++ open the device, and look between the headset jack, and the lightning port. there should be a black piece of rubber that gets attached to the frame. if it is there, make sure the microphon extension of the flex is inside of it, if not, the apply it. If the black rubber is not there, you will see a flex extending with a gold or silver piece attached to it. you will need to teansfer the guide from the old piece to your new one. Make sure to remove any plastic covering this gold/silver piece, as it is the mic, and if you dont, it will be blocked. ++++