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Hey guys! Before nothing, thanks for your help. Have a Samsung Galaxy S9+, these become my hands, and not power on, not charge and no display on screen. When I plugged the cable into charger port the power consumption is 5 volts and 0,07 amps, but no charge. The battery should be in 3,85 volts but this have 1,54 volts, this point make me think the port charger is broken, but I will like first confirm this. Someone can help me or will say, ¿how can resolve the points? Thanks!

@stifgs start by following the No Power flowchart.

For this we would need some good pictures of your board to point out components etc. This maybe a little easier just not as comprehensive

Bottom line is I’d start with a new battery (check your charger!). These guides will help you getting into your phone Samsung Galaxy S9+ Repair Adding images to an existing question