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So I’ve already swapped out power supplies and that did nothing. But then I tried putting a disc in and it beeped once. It didn’t pull the disc in but every time I slide it in again, it beeps once. Anyone recognize this symptom? The system is in great condition with zero signs of damage but before I do a complete tear down, any help is appreciated. Thanks

When you insert a disc, the system recognizes that the conditions have changed and it attempts to turn on. Since you get the beep, this is acknowledging that the system is attempting to start. The next step would be to draw in the disc assuming that the system has successfully started. Since this is not happening, there are two options:

  1. The system has started but the loading mechanism for the DVD is faulty.
  2. The system has failed to start properly and has shut down. If #1, I would expect to see video output. If you have none, then I would expect that #2 has occurred. Are there any lights on this unit at all? Dan