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my Mac has been performing excellent for a long time, no real issues except maybe very slight decrease in load times. But really no signs of issues. Then the other day it was closed and died after a day or so on low battery. I plugged the Mac in for a few minutes like usual and went to power up and I got no response at all, no fan, chimes, lights, nothing. So I left it alone charging for a few hours, well past the time it usually took for a complete 100% charge. I returned to find the MagSafe was still lit orange instead of green. I again tried to boot with no response. So I charged over night. Still orange, no response. I HAVE tried all reset sequences and the only thing I have seen is the MagSafe color change from orange to green to orange after the smc reset. I have opened the back and have found no visual defects such as corrosion under close review besides maybe a dirty charging port which I have decided to order and replace anyway. I have also unplugged battery and other peripheral components with no luck. computer has sat for a few days off and I have tried this all a couple Times with no results. Any thoughts? Thank you!! EDIT: I also tried to start the machine with the battery disconnected and the charging cable. Should auto boot but no response

At this point I’m suspecting your battery is just worn-out. The systems age of about 11 years with the original battery is well beyond its life span. Even still, you should be able to at least tell if this is the case. Simply looking at the MagSafe charger LED should express if the system is even charging. So is the LED Amber or Green or not lit at all (besides SMC reset)? If lit then we can do the second test. Now disconnect the battery again with nothing plugged in press and hold the power button for a good 15secs this will fully discharge the logic board. Now just plug in the MagSafe charger again did the system spontaneously startup? If it did we know your issue is indeed a dead battery. Anyways let the system fully boot up and do a clean shutdown. Then it’s time to order a new battery! MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Early 2015) Battery and here’s the guide MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015 Battery Replacement