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I’ve replaced the internal hard drives of 4 or 5 mid 2012 13" MacBook Pros with solid state drives for friends over the past few years. Yesterday I received a 2012 MacBook Pro 13" from a friend who had already installed 8 GB of RAM on his own. He also provided me with a 480 GB Kingston SSDnow 300 for me to install. I cloned the hard drive onto the solid state drive using CCC. The laptop was fully operational at this point. I grounded myself and I then removed the back cover, disconnected the battery (which was fully charged) and replaced the hard drive with the solid state drive. However after reassembly the laptop will not power up. Nothing happens when I push the power button (the fan doesn’t spin and there appears to be absolutely nothing happening) and when I plug the charger in there is no charging light. Things I have tried: I have ensured that the battery is properly connected.I have reinstalled the original hard drive to no avail.I have tried a different charger & verified that both chargers work with another 13" 2012 MacBook Pro that I have in the house.I have removed and reinserted the RAM. Is there anything I can do to try to get this computer running again?

I’m starting to think the SSD has a short in it which killed your systems power services (logic bd). The only other possibility here was you hadn’t powered down the system before pulling the power plug or you used a metal tool to pop the connector causing a short. Given the fact you have done a few before and clearly know about ESD protection you would have known this which is why I suspect the SSD killed your system. You could try using an external case or SATA to USB adapter to see if the drive is OK. Please use a powered USB hub Vs connecting it to the system directly as the hub is cheaper if the drive is bad. Otherwise, it was just a lark things went bad here. Your sure you don’t have the midis touch? Just turning things to lead. It does happen, there are days when I was cursed! As for CCC put it into the waste bin! Use Apples Migration Tool instead.