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Hey there! I’m having an issue with a ps4 with no display, I replaced the hdmi IC chip on the motherboard, and it still won’t show any picture. Model is CUH-1216B, and the motherboard is SAC-001. Is it possible that it might be the APU fault (the light after switching on is white), or maybe one of the hdmi coils/filters (one of them seems to be different from the others, but continuity checks on all of them)????

Hi! Could be the APU, but most of the time the light will blink blue, or it turns off after the blue light came up for 2-4 seconds, so I think the APU should be good to go. HDMI coils/filters could be faulty which is causing this, but you need to meassure it. You can also just replace them, as the price is not that expensive. Also check the HDMI port, it could be the port it self too (perhaps corrosion or pins bent, or the damage isn’t visible at all..)

About that APU, it doesn’t seem like it’s the problem, since the light goes from blue to white and stays like that, I left it for some time and it didn’t switch off or nothing, so it has to be working just fine. I ordered bulk hdmi filters, I’m still waiting for them to arrive. Can I also use similar coils from ps3 I have laying around, they seem a bit bigger, but should fit just fine… II ddon’t want to break anything though. I also ordered HDMI port tester (with the leads to each connection) so I will check it with continuity mode just to confirm that the port is working, because it looks to be 100% fine, it’s the newer gen of ps4, when I opened it there was no dust or nothing.. So it’s basically brand new inside