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I left my Macbook off for 10 days to repair my LCD screen, and when I boot up using the official charger, my macbook doesn’t display the battery status on menubar, and my mac seems to be eternally at 0%, and I can’t use my mac without being plugged in to my electrical outlet. I can’t even turn the “show battery status on menubar”. I’ve tried to restart my SMC, but alas no luck for me so far.

See I broke my screen. Cracks on the lower right side, what should I buy?

I always make this mistake when working on my macbook: Remember to plug in the battery! I always forget. gives me a good scare when suddenly my mac will not boot. the I remember. Oh yeah! the battery connector!

@afifyogapr if you replaced the mobo and have the old one I’m interested in buying it. thanks