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Hi, I very recently bought a 2013 macbook pro retina 15 serial number C02LPBG2FD56. I bought it as faulty with no display backlight. The LCD is working as I checked it with a torch through the Apple logo. I believe it has suffer a small amount of liquid damage as one of the warning indicators is red. One on the other side is still white. I have tested the F9700 fuse with a multimeter and there is no continuity. For a moment, I thought I had found the fault but I started testing other similar looking components close by the blown fuse. I did not get continuity from some of these other components. Everything looks normal to me but I am no expert. Bearing in mind that my knowledge at this level, is very hit and miss. Where do I check next after proving the F9700 has blown? Thanks in advance….ritchy

Hi oldturkey, Upon close inspection, it does look as if a short may have occurred between pins 1 and 2 and 3 possibly as the solder points which connect the LCD lead socket are slightly swollen and closer together than all the rest which are perfect and uniform. These 3 terminals do not look as they are still touching but the space between the solder points is 0.1 to 0.2mm narrower than all the rest. It reminds me of an FB socket on an iPhone logic board which has been slightly damaged by repetitive connection & disconnection and too much pressure being applied at some stage. I have keen eye and spotted it wearing normal reading glasses. Then looked at it again under a magnification lamp - 5 X magnification. Perhaps the sticky wet substance which I think was cola has now been cleaned off. The person I bought the Macbook from did let it slip out, that his workshop had cleaned the logic board (“in case of liquid damage”.) Maybe the short, if it did occur was caused by cola shorting the pins and caused the solder to heat to melting point? And now the cola has been cleaned off? This all speculation of course. Thanks ritchy

I have the same issue. For some reason the backlight LED of my display doesn’t work anymore. I was away to get coffee and i come back and my display was black. When i shine with a flashlight at the screen, i can see everything. So it’s clear to me that de backlight not working. I have called Apple Support and did some things, like resetting the NVRAM. Can i fix this problem, by replacing the whole screen? Or is this a fuse problem? Or something else with the Logic Board?