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Hey all! So.. about a year ago I placed my laptop down on a table. There was a small drop of water that I thought nothing of. However I hadn’t realised that one of the macbook pro’s feet had fallen off. As soon as I placed the laptop down - the screen went black. I still get an image when shining light through the logo. The LCD connector sits right below the foot opening so I imagine I was just incredibly unlucky and this drop of water made contact there… The computer works perfectly through external display and I’ve been running it this way for the past year. I have a bit more time on my hands at the moment so decided to take the computer apart to see if there was an easy fix. I have attached some photos. You can see there has been some water contact (image 03) but all the pins for the LCD connector on the logic board look undamaged, and it seems the only damage is to the pin on the end of the LCD cable, and perhaps the same area inside the connector (again see photos). I am quite happy using the computer with external LCD but wanted some opinions on whether there might be a quick easy fix to get the internal screen back to life. I studied computing at uni so am not a stranger to fixing tech but have never attempted soldering on this tiny scale..! Thanks so much and hope you’re all well! James

You have some work here as you’ll need to replace the logic board connector as well as the display cable. Both are possible just a fair amount of work. I think your best option here is finding someone with the deeper skills and access to the needed parts to fix this.

Hi, I had the same problem with one that got a coffee spill (sugary stuff does more damage potentially than water because of acidity, I think). The last 3 pins in the approx. 30pin LVDS connector are the ones that power the backlight specifically. the cable might still be fine but the connector will need to be replaced. Have you any luck with it or have you just returned to the ext. monitor? And by your photo it looks like the water caused short damage at those same 3 pins as mine - the last 3 running to the backlight.