Chosen Solution

I’m having this really weird problem and I’ve no idea if there’s any solution available online. From past few months, whatever charger I’m putting in it, it’s just not working ever again. It takes time, but after like 1-2 weeks the cable just doesn’t work. It has happened to over 4 charging cables now, all this time I thought that it happened because of one charger, but now I think it’s because of the phone. Please tell me what to do asap as I don’t want to waste more wires on this. I couldn’t find anything anywhere while searching online, every tutorial is regarding a broken cable or something. There’s absolutely no damage anyhow on the cable, it’s just that it has stopped working from inside. And I’ve tested on different adapters and different wires, all the wires aren’t working now i.e. some don’t charge at all, others charge at below 100mah(the adapter’s I used were 1A and 2A) It’s a big tension for me as I just can’t be going on buying cables every week or month just for this. Please please help!

Hi have you tried the official nexus charging cable? If so then chances are it’s a problem with the charging port.

Same trouble with my Nexus too….charging leads gets damaged itself after few charges….