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I have an issue with my early 2013 15” and the logic board needs to be replaced. What’s the newest board I can get between 2013-2015 models? I don’t want to have to end up replacing every other part as well. But i’d much rather buy a newer Logic board than pay Apple to replace my current one. Thanks.

Hi, You will only be able to put a logic board from another MacBook Pro with the same series identifier (in your case MacBookPro10,1), which means you will not be able to put any newer in series wise. You will however be able to put a higher spec logic board within the series, for instance if you have the 2.4 GHz i7 you can place the 2.7 GHz i7 board in for an upgrade, or if you have 8 GB of RAM you could put in a board with 16 GB of RAM (note: it will cost more though). Just make sure it is the SAME identifier as your current MacBook Pro. I would suggest you by the board from ifixit: MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Early 2013) 2.4 GHz Logic Board OR MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Early 2013) 2.7 GHz Logic Board Either of these should work. (Going off the info you gave me, double check to be sure.) But if you want to save a buck, you can search eBay as well, but watch for scams.