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I have a Vizio V655-G9 that wouldn’t turn on after a suspected lightning surge. I ordered a new power supply thinking this was the logical culprit. After installing the new power supply board I plugged the tv in to test it and I immediately heard a pop from the new board. Tv still won’t turn on. What would cause this? Image 1: Original Power Supply

Image 2: New Power Supply

Image 3: Main Board

Image 4: Fuse Voltage

Image 5: Line Voltage

Image 6: Pin Diagram

Image 7: Old PS Bottom

Image 8: New PS Bottom

@brahn85 don’t know because we do not know what popped. Let’s find out what is going on with your TV. Instead of just replacing the board you should always check the power supply on the connector where the main board connects to. It is actually the main board that tells the power supply to turn on. On the flip side of this since this was a power surge, it could be both boards that went on the fritz. I would suggest that you get your camera out. take some really good pictures of your boards and post those with your QUESTION. That way we can see what you see. After that use your multimeter and check the output of the board. You must have standby (STBY) power. If you have that it is not your power board that has failed. Adding images to an existing question