Chosen Solution

I just installed a new battery, which went smooth. After the install I performed the battery calibration procedure. After the initial discharge/recharge, during the discharge the battery jumped form 70% to 7% instantly after removing the power.

I ran the cycle a few more times, only to have the battery charge drop faster and faster. Finally OSX says it does not detect the batter. I pulled the back off and checked the connections. All looks correct.

Seems I have a defective battery. What recourse do I have? Update (08/24/2019) I reopened the case, unplugged the batter, replugged — then the battery was detected Now the battery is detected both when on power and off But, upon each reboot either the mbp things the battery is missing or discharged. Plugin and and it boots. After boot it shows the correct charge.

Your best bet is to replace the battery or send the macbook into Apple for repair. It could be a motherboard issue. replace or repair the motherboard Some replacement batteries:… SOme new motherboards:… Your welcome!