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I replaced the battery in my 38mm series 1, when I first started charging it I immediately saw the Apple logo but it just sat there. I force restarted it a few times and now it just shows a thermometer with a clock anytime I plug it in. Doesn’t matter how long I wait before I plug it in and it immediately shows the thermometer icon. I glued the screen down when I saw the Apple logo show up so hopefully I don’t end up having to take it apart again.. any help would be appreciated!

While I can’t say for sure as I am not fully familiar with the way the Apple Watch operates, I would assume that icon is indicating that some temperature sensor in the watch is reading out of the expected range, likely due to a fault. As other Apple devices have temperature sensors in the batteries, I would expect the Apple Watch to have one as well and given that is all that should have been changed, I would guess you got a faulty battery that is reporting an incorrect temperature reading. As a result, the watch will not power on in typical Apple fashion. My first step would be trying another battery so unfortunately it looks like you will have to open the watch up again.