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I received a new display and battery for my iPhone 8plus from the iFixit store and installed both yesterday.I am really happy about the display but I do have an issue with the battery:I am unable to calibrate it, because after recharging it to 100% and letting it drain, the phone turned itself off at 50%.I connected it back on charge and it showed 50% battery.I tried again, and again at 50% the phone turned off, but this time restart it showed a 14% battery charge, although usage shows 50% Don’t really know how to make it work. Screenshot1: first attempt: Phone turned itself off at 50%

Screenshot2: second attempt: turned itself off at 50%, then on restart shows 11% battery

Update (06/01/2022) The screen has been broken for a while now and my original battery was kind of wearing off so I decided to change both. No drops and then battery doesn’t get specifically hot (normally when recharging) Was a pretty standard swap, I suppose

If your phone wasn’t shutting down at 50% with the old battery but is with the new one than it could be that the battery you purchased is faulty. But first I would check that the battery connector is seated properly. There is also some components on the logic board around the battery connector that if nudged can cause problems with the battery data but this usually results in boot looping and no battery data. I would return the battery for a replacement one.

i need more info does ur phone get hot or did u drop it? I mean u could just have a bad battery or damaged hardware such as a bad port a bad bypass chip or even could be the screen is not meant for it and was a manufactures error