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I purchased a battery from ifixit and it doesnt last very. The battery also drops charge fom 60 to 22 %. any help will be well appreciated Update (10/14/2018) I attached the screenshots of everything with and without charger.

Update (10/15/2018)

Todays update after work. Left the computer on the charger on all day. saw 9 hours and was excited. Little did i know… This is with the keyboard light off and the screen dimmed. Update (10/15/2018)

Go ahead and complete this guide How to Test a Mac Laptop Battery Be sure to upload an image of the application window to your existing question! Update (10/15/2018) Hmm, one thing I see is that you are using Google Chrome. Google Chrome is super demanding when it comes to resources, it slows down your computer because it eats up the RAM and it leaves little to none for other programs. Chrome also demands a lot of energy and if you have lots and lots of tabs open at once it is almost certain that Chrome is behind your battery problem. We’ll have to see what @danj says but I think Chrome is behind this.