Chosen Solution

My Late 2016 15” MBP had a bad battery and I purchased a replacement here at iFixIt. I followed the comprehensive iFixit guide and everything went well. After a couple of days I sent the laptop to replace its screen and it came back with the battery not charging. Now I don’t know the repair shop that fixed the screen messed up with the battery or if the new battery has an issue! I want to make sure I diagnose what’s happening, before mailing the computer again since the shop is out of state. I already reset the SMC with no avail. My last resort would be disconnect opening up the machine and disconnect the battery. Any other ideas? As you can see on the attached screenshot, the batter had only 2 cycles!

Thanks much! Update (01/06/2021) Screenshot of CoconutBattery

Not good ;-{ The charging logic within the logic board is not working! You’ll need to ship your system back under warranty!