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I was using a car inverter to charge my MacBook which I installed a new battery on successfully awhile ago and now something happened because the car inverter is indicating a power error and won’t work and my MacBook battery won’t work either now. Do you think the inverter fried the battery on my Mac? It was a 100watt ampeak inverter and it should be able to power my MacBook just fine. Could it then be an issue with a loose connection of the battery or something? Suggestions welcome. Thanks

Power inverters can be clean or very dirty! You would need to check your inverts specs and maybe even get an oscilloscope to check how clean it is. What is the error message? Besides the inverter how you’ve connected your Mac to it also matters! Is the inverter a 120/220 AC type or something else? Ideally you would have used a MagSafe charger to power your Mac. So now the question is whats been damaged here. Does the MagSafe charger LED lit when plugged in and what color is it Amber - under charge or Green - charged? How does the battery and the onboard charging logic look? Install this gem of an App: CoconutBattery with the charger plugged in take a screenshot of the the apps window and paste it here for us to see Adding images to an existing question