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Hello, i have an iphone 6s that has multiple problems. It had a very bad battery before, in “battery life” app it says its in critical condition, over 80% worn, it wont stay charged and it didnt charged more than 2% but i replaced it. Main problem now is that the new battery (0% worn) drains very fast even when on stand by(aprox. 30-40% over night) and when the phone is unplugged and with low battery %, under 6%, it gets extremely slow.(after i plug the charger its nice and smooth) Can a short on the board cause this problem? Or a component? I repeat, this phone has multiple problems like no sound and sound bar, no service, cameras not working properly. Sometimes, on standby, iphone gets hot in the area below the rear camera. Thank you in advance!

The battery drain most issues came after the some component are short these parts shorts the voltage and produce heat.Only the solution is that you go to the technician to fix it.That is not the setting or battery problems.