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I want to customize my MacBook Pro 2009 I just want to change the casings don’t want to have the Apple logo the middle that has a keyboard in the bottom part that has the serial number and I just want to know how much is it for those three items

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking for. (Pro tip: Punctuation and grammar helps.) You say “three items” so I’m guessing (a) the part of the case that’s behind the screen, (b) the palmrest part where the keyboard is mounted, and (c) the bottom of the case where the rubber feet are mounted. As for (a) you’re pretty much out of luck. Apple owns the machinery that makes the case so trying to get an Apple-less Apple part out of them will be impossible. Option #1 would be to create a 3D model of the piece and have it 3D printed or CNC machined. If you go this route don’t forget to render all of the internal structure as well (mounting points for the LCD, for example). Option #2 would be to take your existing piece to an aluminum fabricator and have him create a block plate for the existing Apple-shaped hole, weld it into place, and refinish the surface to remove the gaps and seams. Either way will be very costly. As for (b) and (c), those parts can be readily found on ebay.