Chosen Solution

When i press the powerbutton on the ps3 it starts for some seconds, then it starts beeping alot then it turns off. What is the issues and what can i do?

If at all possible, could you please record a video of this. There’s many things this could be and I would be able to better tell if i could see a video as there are different light colours and blink patterns that could help me answer your question. You can just upload a video to youtube or email it to me directly @

This problem can happen because of two reasons:-

  1. overheating If you are lucky this should help you. Take out your ps3 from enclosed area keep it well ventilated. Blow some air to the vent to clear the dust if dusty conditions. If damage has already caused it’s useless to do anything above.
  2. Faulty power cable. Check your AC cable.