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I’ve got a early 2011 13” A1278 MBP that i’m trying to repair and don’t know where to start. 1st issue: Only get a green light on Magsafe charger no orange light. The battery is charging though. System report says its not charging but it is. 2nd issue: It will not start up with one press of the power button. You have to hold the power button down until the screen comes on and you hear the chime. If you release it too soon it will shut off immediately. Pressing the power button once the fan will spin for about 2 seconds. As long as you hold the power button down for a few seconds it will start normally. It will however restart just fine if you restart it from the Apple menu. 3rd issue: Once powered up and running sometimes it is very slow and unresponsive. The cursor is jumpy and sporadic when using the track pad. That only happens occasionally and other times it works like it’s supposed too. I have reset the SMC, PRAM, NVRAM and nothing changes. Im sure its a logic board issue. I was thinking maybe an SMC reflow might fix it but I wanted to run it by you guys first. Thanks in advance. Any help would be appreciated.

It sounds you located the issue down to the logic board. Did you do a detailed inspection of the SMC chip on the backside? Looking for staining and corrosion. How about taking some good details pics of the logic board so we can see things too (the clearer and detailed the better) Adding images to an existing question I still think your keyboard (power switch) likely has issues. I would test the system using the power pads on the logic board. Are you getting the same reaction using them? Jumpstart MacBook Pro 2011?