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Since connecting to the NBN I seem to have lost some of the working of my phone system. When on a call and another comes in - there used to be a beep in the call letting you know that another call was being made but now all of a sudden the call you are talking on starts going like an echo style of speech and the actually main machine starts flashing red. I have asked people that have made the call and they say that the phone tells them it is not connected. Does the NBN stop having answering machines working??? When I let a call go to message bank - the machine gives the message I have set but then they can’t leave anything. Help??

It looks like you have a standard, traditional phone (Uniden Dect 6.0), not an NBN-compliant phone. Did your phone company tell you that you can use a standard telephone on the NBN system? If not, then you will likely need some sort of adapter box which allows you to connect a standard telephone to the NBN system. One example of an NBN system would be VOIP (Voice Over IP). A VOIP adapter box plugs into an internet jack on your router. It then translates the signal so that you can plug a standard phone into the VOIP adapter box. But there is no way that you could plug a standard phone directly into your router. Even after successfully connecting your phone to the NBN system, a standard, traditional phone won’t have the same functionality, nor will it be controlled by the same type of signals, as an NBN phone is. Therefore, you will likely have some incompatibilities when using a standard phone with an NBN system.

Hey Robyn, Actually I have face this problem recently and trying to get rid of this problem and finally i found a iiNet Support number and they will help a lot. If you want to get rid of this problem contact those guys.