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I was trying to repair an issue with my ps4 not taking a disc. I now have a new problem. I opened up the top of the disc drive to reveal the laser but this was the wrong side to fix my problem. Not thinking I flipped it over and a little black cog and spring fell out. It’s appears that the spring goes into the cog but I’m not sure and where you put them after that I haven’t a clue. Any ideas?

On the drive side, close to the left side of the console, this is for emergency disc eject.

I can’t see your image but it possible the same spring I couldn’t relocate yesterday, it comes from the manual eject cog. If you have the drive so the white cogs are on the right hand side (there are 3 or 4 of them depending on your model from memory), about half way up there is a small black cog that the spring goes in.