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The words are like a split image. Like this- Weak or NO Signal Weak or No Signal Except that the bottom words are lighter and they are flickering. Where would the problem be located? When I go to the menu the pictures are doubled also.

@neil56 if it looks something like this

Then it is a GATE TAB Bond failure on your panel. Check on the thin ribbon cables that enter the side of the panel. See if you find some corrosion or other damages to it. Sometimes a bit of pressure on those cables (try the top left side of the panel) can help to correct it for some time (fixed one with duct tape :-) Here is a great image of the TAB’s

from here. The only permanent fix is replacing the panel. If unsure where to look and what to check, post some good images of your panel etc. with your question. Use this guide for that.

That is a symptom of a bad LCD screen.