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it was raining hard and i forgot to close the window where my sony 4k lcd tv was placed..we were watching a movie when i suddenly noticed two vertical straight lines on the screen.i immediately turned it off,put a fan at the back of the tv where it got wet..i turned it on again but the line was still there..went to sony store and the staff said i should probably replace the entire lcd ..but the cost is 80% the price of the whole tv which is quite there any chance i could repair the lcd screen whitout having to replace it.

@kakai_suyo all of this will depend on where the water hit the boards or the panel. Right now, going by your description alone, it sounds like you have water damage on either the TAB or the LCD controller board. You need to let us know what exact model your TV is and remove the back off it. Post some good pictures with your question so that we can see what you see. Adding images to an existing question