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My Toshiba 43LF621U19 is not turning on. The blue standby light that used to glow when plugged in is not turning on. I tested the power board and the main board to the best of my knowledge and they seem to be working fine. I was able to read in 5V for the standby voltage. The power going in to my standby light board is ~3V. There is one connection from the powerboard to my main board and another that is labelled as 1. VLED+, 2. NC, 3. NC, 4. NC 5. VLED-. When the powerboard is ON, I tested the voltage difference between VLED+ and VLED-. It is close to 0V (~0.43), and doesn’t change when I press the power button on the TV. Is this expected? If so, what else might be going on and any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks in advance. Images

Update 04/17/2022

@Vittal Premachandran Easiest way is to disconnect the power from the TV and then disconnect the LED power lead from P803 on the power board and connect a LED backlight tester to the LED power lead and check if the LEDs all work. If not then the LED strips are the problem, if they do then it is the power board or the mainboard telling the power board not to supply power to the LEDs.