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I have tried pushing the buttons for a hard reset , and it rarely turns on for a few seconds before shutting down instantly, or just not starting at all. It has never been dropped and was rarely used - word, excel, and internet for school. I refuse to pay $600 to invest in this piece of crap, so I am going to try to take it apart myself. What hardware probably needs to be changed out if it will not turn on? The battery? - The charger light is constantly on and does not seem to be the problem, but I am not certain. The hard drive? - could this be causing the computer to shut down / not start up? The whole issue started when I plugged my phone into the USB if that helps. plugged in phone - computer went black and will not start up. 2.25 year old brick. Thanks for your help.

@hilsen2007 sounds like you shortened something out when you connected the phone. Hopefully it is just the battery and not the charging port or worse, teh motherboard itself. Start with the “easy things”, use this guide Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Battery Replacement to change the battery. BTW there is no hard drive; it uses an SSD drive. this “or just not starting at all " would not be sign of a failed drive.

I don’t no for sure but you can’t try to connect it to a laptop and put it on iTunes recovery. Then on the laptop go to iTunes and try to update or reset the surface pro. If that dose not work then you may have blew some component in the hard drive but I am not positive. Best of luck to you and to your surface pro