Chosen Solution

Hi, My Sony HDR- XR550VE LCD wont turn on. I have charged the battery and even bought a brand new one, but LCD still won’t turn on. The video MODE just on top where the battery , is lighting though and can only be turned off by taking of the Battery. I hope somebody can help me. Best Regards, Marina

Hi, Is the viewfinder back in the retracted position, (not pulled out)? If not the camcorder will not turn off, even with the LCD screen in the closed position. Can you change from video mode to photo mode by pressing the Mode button on the camera (see p.74 of the user guide linked below) If you can change modes, try taking a photo, using the viewfinder (pulled out position) and pressing the Photo button on the camera. Hopefully the settings are still that it will be saved to the memory card. Then check if there is anything stored on the memory card relating to the photo you’ve just taken. You may have to remove the card and insert it into a card reader connected to a computer and check if there is a valid image etc This is only to prove whether the camera is still mainly working OK and that the problem may be just a faulty LCD screen. You could also try pressing the reset button in the camera and then turn the camera on to see if that has resolved the problem. Here’s an image, taken from the User Guide, that shows where it is located.

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)