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The screen on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) has come unstuck at the bottom of the screen. This has caused the ‘home’button to be very loose and partially dislodged. I have attempted to fix the problem using acid free double sided tape,but I seem to have caused a further problem now, as the screen only shows vertical lines when turned on. What have I done, and can it be fixed?
I’ve been able to re-position the home button using a soft plastic toothpick and can get the glass to re-adhere using a pair of small plastic spring clamps on either side of the button, but the problem reoccurs once the tablet has been used for short time and the digitizer heats back up. I need to figure out a way to remove and reapply some double-sided tape in just this area, since I don’t want to risk breaking the glass and possibly having to replace the entire digitizer assembly.