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Hello! My Samsung TV Model: UN55D6000SFXZA will not stay on. It will turn on for about 30 seconds, then turns off. I found the code to access the tech menu and I tried factory reset, however, that doesn’t work. I have tried to change HDMI cables, switched from HDMI to traditional cables, called the cable company to check the box, nothing. I have tried to use a different electrical outlet, just in case. It’s the TV. Note: It does NOT turn itself off and on - just off after about 30 seconds Any thoughts? Thanks!!!

@dree try to follow the trouble shotting flowchart first. I would suspect the power board to have issues. It sounds like your TV goes into a self protect mode. Post a couple of picture of the back of your TV to see how the boards are arranged and a few of the boards itself. That way we can see what you see. Use this guide for that.

Had to resolder the transformer on the power supply. See attached picture for location of poor solder connections. You can see the solder but it was broke away and would loose connection