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First there’s ice building up in the fridge, with loud noise. After remove the ice, I found water leaking from under the pantry box. I followed the youtube instruction to remove the cover inside the firdge wall, and unpluged overnight to light the ice melt. After that putting everything back and plug in, the fridge still leaking water and it power off from time to time. but it will turn back on itself. The temperature display for fridge is 64F, and for freezer it’s 2F, but all my food in the freezer is defrost. The fridge is quiet now for most of time.
Hi, Powering off or turning off? Turning off means that most probably the compressor has been stopped because the refrigerator has gone into the auto defrost cycle. This happens once every 8-10 hours so that the accumulated ice build up on the evaporator unit can be melted and drained away. The defrost cycle lasts about 20 minutes and then the compressor should be restarted again to drive the temps back down to their set temps. Powering off means that there is no power on the refrigerator i.e. no lights etc. The freezer temp is OK (normally it should be 0°F so close enough allowing for thermometer error) but not the refrigerator (normally 36°-39°F) so the food should be frozen in the freezer. Did you check the temps with a thermometer or what the display is showing? Here’s the service manual for the refrigerator. Go to p.49 to view how to run the diagnostic checks and see if there are any error codes. The code meanings are on p.50-51. Hopefully a start.