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A week ago I accidentally dropped my phone . my cam lens bricked and i fix it as i see in your web site and thanks by the way But now the problem is My S-pen didn’t work on all screen but still works on sub key of back button and menu button . and the phone still recognize when i attach it or take it out . I tried to change the s-pen and put new ROM but the problem still as i describe any suggestion i will appreciate it ?

I have this problem too. Did u get it fixed and how…thanks

I have this same problem with my note 4. I dropped it face down on the screen, surprisingly the screen did not break. It has power, the top left power light and two bottom icon lights are on it still vibrates indicating messages it rings for incoming calls I can answer them because I know where to swipe to answer call, but I cant see a thing completely black screen. I have the finger swipe security that I can still unlock but nothing visible. Ive tried the soft reset holding down power button for 2 seconds to drain power and removing battery for 10 minutes but it has not worked for me. Please Help.

Same problem, on back key and meni key s pen work, but on screen dont work. Anyone have fix?

I have the same problem!!!!! PLEASE HELP US

Well Im having the same problem as Stev, my s pen works on the bottom touchscreen buttons but not on the screen, im able to use the screen with my fingers tho. I’ve been reading and I’ve found that the problem could be the S pen sensor screen which is behind the main screen, theres some video on youtube about how to replace it but seems to be like there’s no guide here about how to do it in detailed steps. Hope this helps, if anybody else knows anything else or somebody tried/solved it already, Please ill be grat to know.

Have you got the solution to this problem ??