Chosen Solution
I don’t have an opener or nails to pry my s key out and it has to be pressed hard for it to work and it’s annoying because i have to write a story for English class
That’s usually due to an issue with the scissor hinge and can commonly be fixed, but it’s a touchy procedure. DO NOT DO THIS if it’s school owned and you aren’t confident in your ability to do it - you WILL SCREW UP if you aren’t 100% ready. What you can do is try to take the key off with something like a nail cleaner from nail clippers, try and adjust with it attached (remove the mech if need be), reassemble the two halves and put the key back on and that often fixes the problem, but not every time. If it doesn’t, the contact pad is bad or the key has an issue that requires a new key or mech. If you have long nails, that also tends to work. I usually use a spudger or nails since I keep them a little long for jobs like this (but not long enough to inadvertently invite a bottle of nail polish :P). I have attached a a photo of the long nail approach for you, since that may be better for someone school aged, who likely can’t buy the tools without parental consent. Again, if school owned use caution and say NOTHING!
I didnt try to fix it because i forgot ;-; but it works now i think there was just something in it that is gone now