Chosen Solution

So i tried multiple different headphones and it seems like they don’t work only on my phone.I tried using them on different devices and they work without any problems.This is also confirmed on another same phone like this one.

Hi, It seems that the earphone socket either has an internal connector which has lost tension and is not making with the ring connector of the headphone jack when it is plugged in or that the earphone socket is loose on the systemboard. Either way the phone will have to be opened for that problem to be diagnosed and a repair effected. If the socket is loose from the systemboard it will have to be re-soldered back on. To do this you will need the requisite tools and experience in SMD (Surface Mounted Devices) soldering techniques. If it is not loose but faulty and as they cannot be repaired but have to be replaced, you will still need to be able to unsolder the old socket and solder on the new socket as above for a loose socket. If you find this too daunting, I recommend that you get quotes from 3 reputable, professional mobile phone repair services to fix the problem. I suggest 3, that way if their estimates are all close in the cost of the repair, you’ll have a better idea of the real cost of the repair. Here is a link to a video showing how to dis-assemble your phone.… At 1:24 minutes into the video the headphone socket is visible. See image below.

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing) Hopefully this is of some help.